I help aspiring authors and entrepreneurs to combine the experiences that they already have with savvy business skills to create additional streams of income.

I have had the pleasure of being an educator for over 30 years at the elementary and secondary school level. I have a B.S. Degree in Child Development and a M.A. Degree in Educational Administration. During my educational career, I have had the opportunity to be a mentor teacher to several new teachers and I have supported teachers across the school district as an Instructional Coach.
In addition to being an educator, I stepped out on faith from 2008-2010 to start my first business. My sister and I both shared a love for cooking with our families and wanted to create a business that would combine our experience with teaching kids and making great food. Before we knew it, our ideas of opening a cooking school for kids turned into a real business plan and The Kids Cooking Place was born!
Creating my own business from the ground up was one of the best experiences of my life. Several years later, I decided to document the journey that we took to open our business so that it can serve as a guide to help other teachers become teachpreneurs too! In 2016, I self-published my first book, Make Money Teaching Cooking Classes: A Guide to Start Your Own Kids Cooking Business. Which has triggered my new passion and another source of income by writing and publishing several more books π.
Ever since I was a little girl, whenever someone asked me what I wanted to do or be when I grew up, I always gave the same answer:
I want to be a teacher, have five kids, be a stay-at-home mom with a maid, own my own business and live on a farm!
You can ask my sister she will verify that I would say this all the time! Well, I can check-off half of those things so far... (only one child and too old for more, lol). I'm working on getting that farm before I retire though. I've said all of this to say, I started this business because not only do I have an innate motivation to fulfill my dreams, but I also enjoy helping others work to their potential. I want to provide others with the resources they need to achieve their goals and succeed in fulfilling their dreams as well.